Results & Ladders


Club Selectors need to be aware of Player Restrictions as of Round 13
Re By-Law 9

ue to this years shortened Season all references in Bylaw 9 and sub items of Players needing (4) games to qualify, that number in these instances will now be (3).


Bylaw 6 Amendment: Re Forfeits
Any pennant side forfeiting shall notify both the
Association Secretary and the other Club’s Secretary
or relevant Team Manager as early as possible before the set day of play.

All sides who receive a Forfeit must ensure players names for that side are recorded
and then verified on Bowlslink by using the uppermost spanner and clicking on the Forfeit option.

All Sides who receive a Bye must ensure that players names for that side are recorded
on the Bowlslink results portal, prior to points being allocated

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